2019 IMPACT Award for Public Innovation
The Parry Sound Public Library won the Public Innovation award at the second Parry Sound District and Muskoka IMPACT Award Gala held at the JW Marriott “the Rosseau Muskoka” on April 11th, 2019.
This award recognizes the utilization of social media as a non-profit marketing platform to help reach a larger demographic. Our “social media footprint” has had a positive effect on program turnout, patronage and circulation! We received an award of $1000, which will go towards technology for the Parry Sound Public Library.
2018 IMPACT Award for Public Innovation
The Parry Sound Public Library won the Public Innovation award at the first Parry Sound District and Muskoka IMPACT Award Gala held at the JW Marriott “the Rosseau Muskoka” on March 22nd, 2018.
This award celebrate the library's Surfin’ Seniors program, a free weekly computer class that has helped over 350 seniors inthe Parry Sound region overcome barriers related to technology. We received an award of $1000, which will go towards technology for the Parry Sound Public Library, as well as recognition in the Muskoka Parry Sound Area. C.E.O Rita Orr stated: “It’s all about creating, connecting, and innovating in our community.”
2018 Award of Excellence
The Parry Sound Public Library won the Excellence in Technology and Innovation award for the library's Surfin' Seniors program, at the Ontario Library Services North (OLSN) Conference held at the Holiday Inn in Sudbury, ON on September 26, 2018.
Surfin' Seniors Program
Surfin' Seniors was a free computer training program for seniors. During this program seniors learned basic computer skills, how to use Overdrive, iPad basics, online safety with the OPP, Social Media with Anywhere Computer Training, Online Banking with RBC Bank and more! We hope to continue this program in the Fall with further grants.
This program was made possible by the Ministry of Seniors Affairs, Seniors Community Grant Program.
A special thank you to our wonderful
program participants!
Thank you to:
Seniors Community Grant Program
Parry Sound Muskoka Community Network
Muskoka Founders Circle
Ontario Library Services North
Parry Sound Northstar
Cogeco & YourTV Muskoka
Parry Sound Chamber of Commerce
Catherine Lapierre of Anywhere Computer Training
Fawn Horvath from RBC Bank
Detective Constable Bateman of the OPP

Maureen Cubberley and John Cooper presenting award to Parry Sound Public Library Staff - Rita Orr, Kristina Brics, Hartley Hutchinson and Cayla Norrie.

Library Team

Library staff and board at the IMPACT awards dinner.

Library CEO, Rita Orr and Programming Coordinator, Cayla Norrie holding Excellence Award plaque

Library CEO Rita Orr, Library Board Member Colleen O'hare, Library Intern Kate Taylor and Programming Coordinator Cayla Norrie with some of the Surfin' Seniors participants.
2019 Impact Awards - Social Media Impact for Innovative and Successful Fundraising

2019 Impact Awards - Social Media Impact for Innovative and Successful Fundraising

Parry Sound Public Library

Parry Sound Public Library