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Intellectual Freedom
The Parry Sound Public Library Board adopts the Canadian Federation of Library Associations’ Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries (Policy Number: FN-04.)
Intellectual Freedom is a human right! Intellectual Freedom gives you the freedom to read the books you want. Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects your right to have and explore different ideas and opinions, including reading books from diverse viewpoints and expressions.
“Libraries have a core responsibility to safeguard and foster free expression
and the right to safe and welcoming places and conditions.”
– CFLA’s Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries
A diverse and inclusive collection means there is something for everyone . . .
PSPL’s collection is balanced and represents diverse points of view and may include material that some members of the public consider controversial in nature. The presence of an item in the library does not indicate an endorsement of the content.
What if I don’t like a book?
Requests from members of the public for the reconsideration of, withdrawal of, or restricted access to a specific item in the collection must be received by the CEO in writing. Form is available here.
The material will be reviewed by the CEO and/or the Manager of Collections. Responses are guided by the Library Board’s position that individuals do not have the right to restrict the intellectual freedom of others and that it is the right of parents/legal guardians to develop, interpret, and enforce their own code of ethics upon their minor children.
What are my kids looking at?
We encourage parents and guardians to visit the library with their children and have open discussions. Children under 12 years old must be supervised by an adult while visiting the library.
Parents and guardians have the right to steward their child’s exploration of the library in a manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the child, but do not have the right to place access restrictions on other children.
Can I recommend a book for the collection?
PSPL is always happy to hear about books people are interested in. There is a handy online form available here.
Would you like to adopt a book for the collection? You may make a monetary donation covering the cost of the book, a book plate is placed inside the front cover thanking you for your donation, and you get to be the first borrower! To ask about adopting a book, email PSPL’s Manager of Collections at
Where can I view PSPL’s policies?
Parry Sound Public Libraries policies are available here.
Where can I learn more about Intellectual Freedom?
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